Final day, Peznas to Agde. Unexpected.
I thought the day was going to be an easy tootle through vineyards, but it turned out more difficult and more fun than expected. The tracks are fun but tiring and I arrived in Agde more tired than expected. The place has changed since I was last here, maybe 15 years ago. The sea-front esplanade […]
Day 27 Clermont L’Herault to Pezenas. Nearly there.
Escaping from the traffic hell of Clermont L’Herault took a while, loooking for a bakery I got entangled in the streets of a trading estate, near the motorway junction. Amazing how much commercial activity is generated by a motorway junction. It was really busy, lorries, vans, drivers, loaders, unloaders, looks varied from determined to dissolute […]
Day 26. Lunas to Clermont L’Herault
Day 25 Le Caylar to Lunas. Windmills, chapel, cheese, ceps.
It is run by an old dutch guy. I have booked a table, but there is only me and two women from Tolouse with a child, who excitedly chases the restaurant cat aroud the place. Thing about the menu is – local ceps, and cheese. First Ceps veloute, mushroom soup, with two slivers of grilled […]
Day 24, Le Caylar
Day 23 Le Vigan to Le Caylar
This change of landscape keeps me interested, buzzards which have been companions every day so far now disappear and are replaced by kestrels, must be something about the type of prey available. Lots of butterflies now, same ones as before I think but more of them, it’s warmer.Then the highlight of the day, a huge […]
day 22 L’esperou to Le Vigan. (I don’t think it means “the vegan”).
I have decided to ride on the road today, my legs really don’t want to do any more rough tracks for now. I’m way up high, so lot’s of downhill to come. I don’t plan on the sat-nav, I’m heading to Le Vigan and follow signs, but I’ll get there too soon at this rate, […]
Day 21 Meyruis to St. Esperou, hapless start, get to the top, freeze.
What I didn’t mention yesterday, preferring to forget it, was that on arrival at Meyruis my phone’s Sim card wasn’t working. I had not made a record of the hotel I had booked, and didn’t know which one it was, most of the town’s I’ve stayed at have one or two hotels, so it’s not […]
Day 20 Florac to Meyruis, vertigo.
Up a cliff in the morning, across a bleak plateau, down a cliff in the afternoon. In the hotel by 4:30 and showered and asleep by 5:00 p.m. I am feeling the strain of the journey now. Delicious meal. Half the price of last night’s and twice as good, I won’t bore you with all […]
Day 19, Le Bleyard to Florac. Mainly Cycling (a bit about dogs and life and stuff)
A great day’s cycling, this post was just going to be about the cycling, until a dog nearly bit me. But first. Starting out in a cold mist, up the “Stevenson Trail” for a few kilometers. About twenty French walkers in three groups going along, from last night’s hotel. Bit boring being accompanied when I’d […]