So down to sea level and about 50km along the seafront, wind a bit against me so not much freewheeling, quite a slog. The sandwich and tart were excellent., the tart seemed to have a case made out of pasta – healthy idea.
It was a grey day, the grey mediterranean rolled in on one my right and the hills disappeared into the clouds on my left. It was hot though. The coastline here is built all the way along with cafes, restaurants, bars. Many closed in October, some thriving with Sunday lunch-goers, some open and empty. In the little towns things livened-up, in-between towns it became scrappy and bleak. There is a cycleway for about 30km, dead straight and flat. Boring after a while. It ends in a holiday town which is quite nice and cheery, Gelato. I rarely really feel like eating ice-cream, but this day the cold sweet cream was just right – melon and chocolate flavours.
Then quite a miserable slog along hot busy roads into Livorno, past the oil refineries and power lines, yuk.
Livorno is nice, not a holiday town, though many ferries leave from here so there are tourists around. I have a flat for the night, with a washing machine, wash all my clothes. Walk 2km to find a restaurant open on Sunday night. It is 9:30 by now.