Sicily05 Marsala
We have arrived in Trapani Down below is a kind of cat paradise, the inhabitants observe us. For dinner I try the local dish of cous-cous with a piece of fish on top – not actually very exciting. Barbara has seafood with a local type of holow spaghetti, (actually a tight spiral) called Busiate – […]
Sicily04a Annunciations
Last day in Palermo, catching the bus this afternoon to Trapani for a few days before our 9 day walk across the island starts.Just time to visit “Palazzo Abatellis” a 15c monastery with paintings. Annunciation, one of those pictorial subjects that you keep seeing in christian art. I have always thought it a lovely idea […]
Sicily04 – The streets, food
I have not said much about Palermo itself, streets, atmosphere, food … There is a large new section where we did not go. The old section where we are staying has narrow streets, often with few walkers but frequent motor scooters, electric scooters (driven by careless youths, upwards from say, 12) some cars. The wider […]
Sicily03 Churches, Greek things.
Sicily02 Garden and Opera
Sicily01 Arrival
Day 30 to 35 Genoa and Pavia
Day 46 – 48 Orange, Clermont Ferrand, Dieppe, London
My first train on Sunday wasn’t until 12:30 so I had time to look at the Arc de Triomphe. This is just as interesting as the theatre, mainly because of the vivid bas-relief sculptures. They tell of the Roman victories over the Gauls. It was built during the reign of Vespasian, arund 70 AD, The […]
Day 45 Orange
The seating is built up against a hill, which provided some support for the structure, perhaps why it has lasted so long.The Romans didn’t leave behind any classic theatre pieces it seems, mainly they liked comedy and songs. The plays had standard characters (Husband, wife, comic servant, sexy girl etc.) a standard set of masks […]